Send a donation to aid Chilean earthquake victims

To make a donation to help earthquake victims, send your check, made payable to “Maryland Province Jesuits Fund” to Maryland Province Jesuits Fund,
P.O. Box 64818,
Baltimore, MD 21264

To make a donation online, go to
and click on the Chile Relief Fund link.

Meanwhile, we'll keep posting updates on what's happening to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Volunteers to build new housing

Un Techo Para Mi Pais and Un Techo Para Chile, which recently received a visit and vote of support from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, have set a goal to build 30,000 emergency houses this year for earthquake victims in Chile.

The Chilean government, through President Michelle Bachelet, formalized support to the organizations to take charge of the reconstruction efforts there.

Rafael Achondo, of Un Techo, wrote to supporters last week to express his gratitude for the response that has already come in.

"In emergencies of this scale human capital is critical, and we really appreciate the thoughts, e-mails, phone calls, and to realize that we really have you all supporting our endeavor with the most neediest families in the continent," he wrote.

Already, he said, 6,000 university volunteers have offered to travel to where families need the most help. Jesuit scholastics from Santiago, Chile's capital, are among the volunteers going to Concepcion to work with Un Techo.

"That shows that the future of the country is in good hands, led by people with a deep social commitment," he wrote.

The volunteer send-off was led by the Chilean President-Elect Sebastian Pinera and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

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