Excerpt from a report by Fr. Jorge Castadoat, SJ
We are facing a catastrophe. However, it may be that there is something more to this. I believe in “something more.” I think that there is a possibility that this event was a landmark in Chile and the love that we have for Chile could prime, make it grow, and help us to consolidate a more equal, beautiful, compassionate, and just society.
Who is Chile? Right now that is the question: We are called to turn this catastrophe in a deep love event. Today we will have to take Christ down from the Cross. We have two choices: to take advantage of this situation with a love that involves all of us or give up and once again and turn our country over to the rascals. Are we going to try to get rid of the social injustice which we have gotten used to or we will continue forgiving the self-seekers?
I think that we should be more aware of this tremendous opportunity of love which we have imprinted in our blood. It is a love that makes miracles and leads us to serve our crucified neighbors because of this tragedy.
I refuse to accept that earthquakes are “a proof” from God. Jesus of Nazareth gave his life for us in order to show us God’s love.
Earthquakes from the Catholic point of view give us the opportunity to love each other and to believe in love.
I would like to share three things with all of you.
First, seeing my Jesuit brothers working on the ground, I realize that they are seeking creative ways to serve and support their communities. In this way, they are making the same effort that resurrected Jesus Christ made “consoling people.”
Second, facing up to the magnitude of the catastrophe and the mistrust as a consequence of the tsunami and looting, a question about the reconstruction arises. Reconstruction should be an integrated mission which should imply the material reconstruction as well as the reconstruction of the social fabric.
And third, this new development has to lead us to develop strong commitments with the reconstruction of the cities as well as with our neighbors who are suffering from the devastating consequences of the earthquake.
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