Send a donation to aid Chilean earthquake victims

To make a donation to help earthquake victims, send your check, made payable to “Maryland Province Jesuits Fund” to Maryland Province Jesuits Fund,
P.O. Box 64818,
Baltimore, MD 21264

To make a donation online, go to
and click on the Chile Relief Fund link.

Meanwhile, we'll keep posting updates on what's happening to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Progress....and 40,000 houses to go

“Un Techo para Chile” (UTPCH) has built around 1,400 emergency houses (mediaguas) in the most affected areas of Chile and so far it has enlisted 4,900 volunteers.

More remains to be done as UTPCH has set a goal to build 40,000 houses before this winter.

With that goal in mind, UTPCH has been building emergency housing in the most affected areas hit by the earthquake and the tsunami.  To date,

• 398 houses have been built in the Metropolitan Region of Conchali, Estacion Central, Lo Espejo, Buin, Curacavi and San Jose de Maipo and the regions of Peralillo, Placilla, Pichidegua, Santa Cruz, Pumanque, Yerbas Buenas, Marchihue, La Estrella, Nancagua, Pamilla, Lolo, Chepica and La Vega).  

• 636 houes have been built in Maule, in Boyenruca, Sagrada Familia, Villa Prat, San Rafael, Pelluhue, La Vega, Villa Alegre, San Clemente, Empedrado, Talca, Putu, Curepto, Lipimavida, Lloca, Rarin, Constitucion, Lloca, Chanco, Pelluhue, Vichuquen, and Licaten;

• and 339 houses have risen in Cobquecura, Coliumo, Yumbel, Curanilahue, Tucapel Bajo, Lebu, Mulchen, Coelemu, Concepcion, Isla Santa Maria, Mulchen and Penco.

"We can make a difference in the lives of these people."

Jaime Mosso, a young volunteer working in Boyeruca, says, “We have to think and reflect very deeply and take into our own hands the responsibility of this task. Even though everything seems so complicated and tough, we can make a difference in the lives of these affected people. That is why the construction of the emergency housing is an urgent priority. "
In the coming days, a new group of 100 volunteers from the Engineering Faculty of the Catolica Pontificia University are going to Pichidegua to build 20 houses.  Another 120 volunteers from the Commercial Engineering Faculty of the same University are going to Yerbas Buenas to build 20 more.    
At the same time the Scouts will be building 40 in Pencahue and 40 more will be built by 120 volunteers in San Clemente. 

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