Send a donation to aid Chilean earthquake victims

To make a donation to help earthquake victims, send your check, made payable to “Maryland Province Jesuits Fund” to Maryland Province Jesuits Fund,
P.O. Box 64818,
Baltimore, MD 21264

To make a donation online, go to
and click on the Chile Relief Fund link.

Meanwhile, we'll keep posting updates on what's happening to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You have brought hope back to this community

We have received from Chile reports of continuing progress and reports of continued need -- as well as words of hope and gratitude....

Dear Friends,
We send our regards and love from this south central part of Chile. Winter is right around the corner and our mornings are getting very cold.  The heavy rains offer the renewed promise for future life and growth.   
During this time of reconstruction we have received help and generous support from many of you who made the decision to help out your sisters and brothers affected by the tsunami.  You have brought hope back to this community. 

Once again we want to thank everybody for her/his generosity.

In Tirua and in the Mocha Island according to our plans we are within reach of our goal which was to cover the small houses with zinc on the outside and SBA panels inside.  Families with more than three members living in these small houses have received help so they could add more rooms.  Furthermore, every single family affected by the tsunami received pots, kettles, silverware, and small firewood ovens. Carpenters and artisan who make furniture have also received tools and raw material to get back to work. 

Families have shelter; utilities still needed in Tirua

In Tirua most of the affected families are already living in these small houses (mediaguas). Yet we continue to be very concerned about the delay of utilities. These families still do not have electricity, water, or sewage.  We are asking for donations in order to develop and provide these services to this community affected by the tsunami.  We are also coordinating with the National Emergency Committee to allocate individual sanitary units to those living in these emergency houses.

Waiting for land so building can begin

In Quidico we are ready to build small houses but we are waiting for the land that was to be allocated by the local government. Hopefully, we will start construction of these houses soon. Another major concern in this town are the many small production projects were damaged by the catastrophe and we are asking for donations in order to provide technical support and resources to re-implement these affected projects.
In Tirua and Quidico we are also supporting a group of families who lost all their possessions and houses in Tubul. These families, who originally came from this region, settled in Tubul because of employment opportunities. After the earthquake they returned home to Tirua and Quidico with nothing.  We have supported these families, built their emergencies houses and given them basic cooking utensils.

A campaign for aid for 300 families from Tubul

We also decided to visit to the coastal towns of Llico and Tubul in Arauco, located 150 kilometers to the north. It was a distressing situation. While families living in Tirua and Mocha Island have found refuge in emergency houses, in Llico and Tubul people remain living in crowded and inhuman conditions, in tents and huts.  In Llico which is a smaller community than Tirua, Un Techo para Chile (A Roof for Chile) has built 92 emergency houses. On the other hand, in Tubul the tsunami caused enormous damage and we should have built at least 300 emergency houses; however, less than 100 houses have been built.     
In order to face and address this distressing situation, we have decided once again to appeal to your generosity and launch a campaign for donations for improving and building small houses (mediaguas) and to provide the affected people with mattress, beds, cooking utensils, ovens, and wood stoves. We will begin helping the 92 families in Llico. Afterward, we will seek new ways to support and help the 300 families from Tubul.

We strongly believe that we cannot remain doing nothing while some of our brothers and sisters are living in tents and hovels. I know that everybody has already worked very hard and most of you have been very generous giving your time and making donations. However, there are families who still need assistance and support and for that reason we must all redouble our efforts in order to help them to renew their lives and hope.
Once again we want to thank for all your support and trust in our work and services to the most affected people of this natural disaster. We carry on working in coordination with the Municipality and Servicio Pais. We also want to thank the willingness of these organizations to work with us as team.

Thanks to Carmen Jara Saavedra for the photo in this post.